Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Looks like those pro-escalation Senators are busy trying to round up votes against the antiwar resolution. Now, I think the resolution is pretty wussy, a purely symbolic vote (versus actually busting Bush's balls over his warmongering), but if even a symbolic vote is too much for some senators, well, I should hope that people follow those votes closely and know how their senator voted, and hold them to that in 2008.

Actively against the nonbinding resolution (and/or actively trying to kill it through other, competing legislation meant to siphon votes away from the resolution):

  • John McCain of Arizona (some "maverick")
  • Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
  • Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut (Traitor Joe strikes again!)
  • Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
  • John Cornyn of Texas
  • David Vitter of Louisiana
  • Jim DeMint of South Carolina

They're trying to round up 41 other votes to kill it, so keep an eye on it, and on them.

It's ludicrous to think that the "this will embolden our enemies" line would hold any weight -- our enemies are already emboldened. Or hadn't they noticed?

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