The Bush Presidency has always been on a suicide mission; stealing an election or two, the pace of their reactionary legislation, the milking of (inter)national sympathy after 9/11 to ramrod their ideological agenda through -- it always spoke to me of desperation on their part, a keen recognition that time wasn't on their side, and if they could just get their tax cuts for the wealthy codified into law, then nobody would be able to take them away without incurring political damage.
Gulf War II, what's to say, exactly? A gambit that failed? Then again, the usual scapegoats emerge -- we tried to bring them freedom, but those stupid Iraqis screwed it up; our noble ideals were tarnished in the cauldron of Baghdad. And those damned turncoats at home, sapping the will of the nation to make a war of opportunity work. Maybe nothing's been learned -- the Democrats paid a heavy price for the Vietnam War they inherited; I hope the Republicans pay as steep a price.
But as we see the sun setting on the Bush League, we also see another carrier group deployed to the Persian Gulf, even as the US tells Iran to "back off" -- akin to having somebody getting in your face and saying the same thing. There's still time for another crisis, a belated Gulf of Tonkin-style event, time for a war in Iran.
Bush has already demonstrated that the will of the people means jack to him, and only Fox Newsworthy hagiographers-in-waiting will find any silver lining in the dark cloud of this administration.
So, why not a war with Iran -- why not get while the getting's good? War forgives all sins to those who perpetuate it, so long as you win. The Decider has literally nothing to lose. Get us bogged down in the whole region, ensuring that all future presidents have to deal with the problem he created (sort of the way the deficit and the tax cuts have mortgaged America's future -- nice one, guys!)
I'm more scared of this administration now than ever. For all the talk of lame ducks, I think this administration has a more bestial aspect. Cornered, the beast will surely lash out.
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